Powdery Mildew

Powdery Mildew
This fungus is very common in the vegetable patch and in green houses/tunnels where humidity is very high. Powdery Mildew can attack many different vegetables including Capsicum.
The ideal conditions for this fungus to thrive are warm temperatures and high humidity. The most visible sign of Powdery Mildew is a white powdery appearance on leaves of the plants. Powdery Mildew can most commonly be seen on pumpkin, melon and squash leaves in summer. At first, the fungus takes hold on the underside of the leaves. Which also means the initial phase of the infection goes undetected. Powdery Mildew spreads very rapidly from leaf to leaf, until the whole plant and surrounding plants are covered in the white fungus. If left untreated, the fungus will go into the dermis of the leaves causing leaves to show a yellow/brown rash on the leaf surface. As the fungus takes hold further, there is a general yellowing and wilting of the leaf and leaves dropping off prematurely.
The fungus prevents the plants ability to photosynthesize. Plants can stunt and will fail to produce. Without protection from the leaves of the plant, fruit may spoil due to Sun Scald. In severe cases fruits of the plant can also be infected. Giving way to secondary infections, which may cause the fruit to rot.
Because of it’s broad base of hosts, this fungus’s spores are able to survive through winter and emerge again when the climate is suitable.
Early detection is key. Powdery Mildew is totally treatable. Here are some suggestions on how to avoid and treat Powdery Mildew:
- At all times, avoid watering the foliage of your Chillies.
- Remove badly infected leaves. Dispose safely to the dustbin. Never put infected plant material in your compost.
- Encourage airflow and light, by removing lower leaves on plants.
- Treat the infected plants and all neighboring plants with an anti fungal agent or an effective home made remedy.
- Prevention is always better than the cure. Routinely spray plants in the rainy season with an anti fungal agent. These usually contain Sulphur or Copper which help prevent any pathogens from taking hold in the first place.
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